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A literature-based unit study to accompany Dogger by Shirley Hughes.
ISBN 978-1862308053 (Book not included)

Dave loves Dogger. One day, Dave loses Dogger. All the family help to look for him. He is discovered the next day, for sale on a toy stall at the summer fair. Dave doesn't have enough money to buy him back and so runs to find Mum and Dad. In the meantime, a little girl buys Dogger. Find out how Dave is reunited with his favourite toy through an act of kindness by his sister. A book described by the author as 'quintessentially English'.

This Picture Book Explorers pack takes you to Notting Hill, London, UK, where you can learn about Shirley Hughes and the story of Notting Hill.

Your child will have the opportunity to
- learn about urban, rural environments and the suburbs
- learn about the 70s and make a timeline
- have a go at narration and descriptive writing
- learn how to use and identify adjectives and prepositions
- have a go at sketching people and try their hand at observational drawing
- design and make a fancy dress costume
- explore materials and their properties
- learn about soap and how it works
- try their hand at summer fair races
- enjoy learning maths with money and crafts
- create a sideshow game
- make a regional recipe and more.

You choose the activities to give a personalised learning package for your child.

Download includes:
~ instructions for over 20 short lessons
~ printables including timeline, maps and flags
~ list of supplies needed
~ fact sheets
~ book go-along suggestions to help you tailor this project for your child.

Suggested age range: 5 to 10
Number of pages: 41
Format: pdf

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