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April 26, 2022

...involve your older kids in Picture Book Explorers activities.

I'll let you into a little secret, my children were still enjoying testing Picture Book Explorers packs for me when they were 12 and 13. At the time, they were embarking on more serious textbook study in preparation for exam specifications. Compared to that, Picture Book Explorers were their 'light' learning activities. Don't get me wrong, they were still learning and benefitting from the packs, they were just having a lot of fun while they were doing it :) 

Many of the activities in Picture Book Explorers are open-ended so that older children can still join in with the rest of the family and keep working at their own level. Here are just a few ideas to inspire you  :)

Exploring The Setting
Older children can be challenged with extra research tasks to learn more about the locations mentioned or an event on the timeline. Instead of using the mini-book templates and other printables, they can come up with their own methods of presentation, a power-point or video, perhaps?
They could set about creating a travel itinerary for a visit to the county or location in which the story is set, paying attention to actual distances and travelling times. This works even better if you can follow their plans and take that trip!

Exploring the Words
Creative writing topics can be extended - can they retell the story from one of the character's point of view? Write a book review? Rewrite the blurb on the back of the book? Come up with a marketing campaign? Turn the story into a play?

Exploring the Pictures
Can they redesign the cover? Write and illustrate a sequel? What sound effects would they add to the pictures?

Exploring Science
They can go more in depth with the science activities. Perhaps they can write up the experiment properly, listing equipment, describing the method, drawing annotated diagrams and stating the results. 
They can learn more about the anatomy of plants and animals, learning scientific names, making detailed drawings, keeping a nature journal.

Exploring Maths, Crafts & More
They can work more independently on crafts and cooking, maybe finding alternative regional recipes or hosting a themed meal for the whole family.
They can use the maths activities for revision and consolidation.
They could explore any occupations and find a local place to visit that ties in with what your family has been learning.

These are just a few ideas that worked for my children and others. I'd love to hear if you have anymore. Please 
email me or pop into the Picture Book Explorers Facebook group :)

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